Meet Deaf Organizations Fund $2.5K Match by 12/31!
ASL Now can support your organization’s efforts to create a successful call center program and to offer Direct Video Calling (DVC) within your Customer Service Department to effectively provide customer service in ASL to your Deaf customers.

The ASL Now Difference

Accurately represent your brand to millions of Deaf Americans.

Communicating via video relay services or third-party interpreters leaves you at the mercy of whoever is available for your call.

Oftentimes, third-party interpreters are not familiar with your company culture, jargon, or processes — yet you are forced to trust them to represent your brand accurately to customers in ASL.

Communicate directly with Deaf customers.

With Direct Video Calling (DVC), this third-party obstacle is removed. Your employees represent your company accurately and successfully, furthering your company’s standards and reputation. This is an ideal customer service experience.

93% want a direct connection.

Deaf respondents said it was important to communicate in their native language, ASL. ASL Now can help your organization communicate with deaf clients directly through Direct Video Calling (DVC).
*CSD Project Endeavor Final Program Evaluation Report covering January 1, 2010 through June 30, 2013.
Contact us for more information

ASL Now Benefits

Direct Video Calling (DVC) can help ensure faster, more accurate results and resolutions. But that’s not all. There are multiple benefits to providing customer service in ASL through ASL Now:
  • Creation of brand loyalty among customers through top-notch training, marketing, and support

  • Support for internal needs, such as technical support or human resources

  • Customized technology to fit your company’s needs

  • Recruitment, hiring, training, and retaining of deaf employees who understand the deaf community’s cultural and linguistic needs
  • Resolution of organizational hurdles among employees, such as training, in-house support, and much more

  • Leveraging communication in ASL, bringing in millions of potential customers

  • Reduction or elimination of language barriers and frustration

  • Increase in productivity by lowering call times as much as 42%
By hiring Deaf and hard of hearing employees, you demonstrate a strong commitment to diversity, cross-cultural communications, and inclusion.
We have come a long way since the passing of the Americans with Disabilities Act. We’re not there yet; let’s work together on creating an experience that embodies the true spirit of the ADA.
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