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Takeaways from Disability:IN 2024

July 22, 2024

Takeaways from Disability:IN 2024

July 22, 2024
July 22, 2024

At this year’s Disability:IN conference in Las Vegas, Communication Service for the Deaf (CSD) had the privilege of engaging with such a diverse group of attendees, particularly those focusing on Deaf and hard of hearing issues. We shared our booth with CSD Works and ASL Now, two brands operated by CSD dedicated to improving communication access and employment opportunities for Deaf and hard of hearing individuals.

During the conference, the ASL Now team polled the Deaf and hard of hearing attendees on their communication preferences when reaching out to a business for customer support. Suffice it to say, the numbers were shocking!

  • Only 1.9% of respondents preferred to communicate through relay services
  • 32.6% preferred to communicate directly with a representative
  • More than half (53.8%) preferred to communicate via Chat support

As we can see, these findings emphasize the importance of communication strategies that prioritize accessibility and user preferences, such as the point-to-point communication offered by chat or direct video customer service.

Some Other Key Insights and Takeaways

Shifting Conversations to Equity: We saw conversations shift from simple access to equity, which is key to creating quality experiences. A common theme among attendees was the discussions on achieving equity in all communication with businesses or organizations.

The Power of Feedback: Feedback is crucial. Feedback becomes data, data drives decisions, and decisions lead to policies and practices that enhance accessibility.

Progress in Accessible Workspaces: There is so much progress happening in creating more accessible workspaces, but these changes need to be driven by people with disabilities so that initiatives are meaningful and impactful, particularly from leadership.

Integrating Accessibility into Design: Accessibility must be included in the design, not a reaction to change. The earlier it’s included, the better, so businesses and organizations can pivot and address diverse needs that benefit everyone.

We thank everyone who stopped to say hi at our booth. We met with dozens of amazing folks who are doing incredible things in their organizations. We are honored to be a part of their roadmap towards greater inclusivity, equity, and accessibility for the communities they serve.

Thank you everyone again and see you the next time!

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